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Miracuously, the town of Black Hawk was spared the devastating fires that destroyed many early mining camps.

“As we go to press (2 a.m.) a terrible fire is raging on the mountains north and east of Black Hawk. At one time it was thought the lower portion of the city of Black Hawk was in danger and hundreds of men turned out to render all the aid in their power, but fortunately there was no need of their services in that quarter. From appearances the fire commenced near the Sensenderfer mill on North Clear Creek and swept rapidly up the mountain toward Dora Hill, soon enveloping the whole mountain top in a sheet of flame unless the wind abates, the whole country north of Clear Creek will be devastated.”

The Register, February 21, 1873

“Through the efficiency of the Black Hawk Fire Department, the main thoroughfare of that city was well sprinkled today, it having become quite dusty.”

The Register, April 16, 1880


“The grand annual ball of the Black Hawk fire department, which took place last night, was in every respect what everybody expected it would be, a grand success socially and financially. No organization in these mountains, knows better how to entertain their guests, than the Black Hawk fire department. Success to it.”

The Register, December 30, 1881


“…a fire alarm was given, which brought out the fire department of that place. Some person not fearing God, man or the devil, maliciously and feloniously set fire to the saloon building on the opposite side of the street from the Black Hawk bakery, which was entirely consumed. It is quite evident that it had to be burned, since this is the fifth attempt to burn it.”

The Register, February 13, 1880

Images Courtesy of the Gilpin County Museum

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