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Businesses flourish in the late 1800s as the population of Black
Hawk peaks with a population of 2,000.

Latest by Telegraph! Black Hawk Taken. John Armor Evacuates! Martin & Robb in Possession!
“Men, women and children are deserting their homes, and rushing to the store of Martin & Robb, to buy Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, tinware and Camp Utensils, iron and steel shovels and Picks, Miners’ Boots, Iron Safes, Sledges, Hammers, Russian Iron, Quicksilver, Acids, Tar, and many other articles useful to all, too numerous to mention. We beg the ladies to call and examine our stock of Dry Goods before purchasing elsewhere. We agree to sell goods as cheap as any house in the mountains, that sells for profit and not for glory. You will find us at the old stand of John Armor, Black Hawk Point, sign of the ‘Continental Eagle,’ One and all, call and see Martin & Robb.”
Register Newspaper, September 1, 1862


“People are scattered all over the country, prospecting, mining, stock raising, cutting grass, building bridges and wagon roads, publishing newspapers, building smelting works, and mills, erecting large business blocks, and prosecuting all kinds of business enterprises with a vim, vigor, and push that says: ‘This country is good enough for us. We have come to stay.’”
Crofutt’s Grip-Sack Guide of Colorado, Vol. 11.-1885

“Gilpin County…is the oldest, and perhaps the best developed mining portion of the state of Colorado. Its population is 7,000. The veins hereabouts are all true fissures, and there are many shafts down to the depth of 700 to 1,800 feet. The people are generally prosperous; some rich, and the money has been made here. The froth, scum, and driftwood of civilization incidental to mining camps, have long since floated away to new diggings, leaving a substantial class of citizens…”
Crofutt’s Grip-Sack Guide of Colorado, Vol. 11.-1885


“Mr. H. M. Rhoads has furnished us with specimens of crackers from the cracker manufactory of his brother at Black Hawk. No finer manufactory exists in the west, the best of crackers are made, and Mr. Rhoads will be the resident agent.”
Rocky Mountain News, Vol. XII, September 14, 1870

Rhoads’ Cracker Bakery used their wood-framed false storefront near
the intersection of Gregory and Main Streets to draw attention to their “celebrated
crackers.” This store, which so longer stands, was built soon after its 1864
neighbor to the east, the Knights of Pythias, a brick building with arched windows,
now converted to casino use.


“A. Jacobs & Co., have just received a large lot of extra superfine St. Louis Flour which they offer for sale at $8.50. Their large stock of Groceries, Liquors, Provisions, Clothing, etc., are daily looked for. One or two teams have already arrived, and the balance will be here this week.”
Weekly Miner’s Register, Vol. 1 No. 16, September 1, 1862

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